Here we go, I'm basing this challenge off of Lilsimsies' Not So Berry Challenge. She expressed in one of her videos that this challenge was meant to be for her to experience parts of the game she usually didn't. So... I've taken the rules and tweaked them for my liking. My rules are as follows:
Da Basics:
- Each heir must represent the color of that generation (i.e. hair, makeup, clothing, house style). Brightly colored skin is not necessary. Gray skin preferred.
- Money cheats can be used for decorating the house at the start, after that I'm on my own.
- Every generation will/should have a pet to match.
- Moving rules are out - I can live wherever, and do whatever.
- Big ticket items: each generation must complete their required aspiration and max their career.
- Lifespan should remain on normal. All bets are off with life extenders though.
- Livvie's Law: Livvie will do whatever is fun for Livvie. If a rule makes something less fun, then she will disregard it. The end.
- I have some trait mods in, and I will use them as I see fit.
Generation One: Mint
VegetarianJealous, Materialistic, High Maintenance
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief, Inner Peace
Career: Scientist
- Must master Logic, Mischief and Wellness skills.
- Must complete the Elements and either the Metals/Crystals collections.
I didn't change this one much, as I never play with any of these things. I only took off Vegetarian because that is the single most useless trait in this game after Lactose Intolerant. These are lifestyle related and health related, not facets of your personality. My Mint generation will observe vegetarianism, it just won't be their trait. High Maintenance was slipped in because it just kind of matched with the Sim I made for generation one. Given that, I tacked in an extra aspiration because I need things to do after completing the first one.
Generation Two: Rose
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Gloomy, Loner
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Interior Decorator
- Must master Gardening, Flower Arranging, and Painting skills.
- Must complete the Gardening and Microscopic Prints collections.
- Must paint a masterpiece in each type of painting.
I changed literally everything about this one because I actually just did exactly this sim run for my generation 2 of my Ghibli Legacy. Down to the politician career for Lettie who was my serial romantic. So, in short, I really didn't want to rehash that. I want to play with traits and careers I've not played with before. So, Interior Decorator and Gardening are areas I've not touched.
Generation Three: Yellow
Traits: Worldly, Self-Assured, Active.
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery*, Archaeology Scholar
Career: Military
- Must master Fitness, Archaeology, and Salvadoriadian Culture skills.
- Must complete one of the Jungle Adventures Collections.
- Must take at least 10 vacations in their life.
- *Optional: Tackle the whole Strangerville mess that I've not touched since I bought it.
Another one I literally changed everything about and with a good reason. You see, for the Politician/Serial Romantic combo I did with Lettie (my Ghibli Gen 2), I did the Nerd Brain/Astronaut combo with Haru, her mother. So if you want to watch me struggle with those things (and struggle I really did) then you can help yourself to the Ghibli legacy. I've not touched Strangerville nor Archaeology so... Here's a great test for me. Yellow like sunny skies and travel. I do want to enact some Alien stuff later though, but not so early on.
Generation Four: Gray
Traits: Paranoid, Erratic, Perky
Aspiration: Friend of the World, Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Paranormal Investigator
- Must master the Medium, Herbalism, and Vampire Lore skills.
- Must complete the other Jungle Adventures Collections.
- Optional: marry an occult (they do not need to stay an occult).
At this point, I'm just going through all my lists to see what game packs and other things I've not played with... but I am trying to be thematic about it at least! Gray like a colorless ghost... for our paranormal investigator who will also be into homeopathic remedies and other... interesting sects of life.
Generation Five: Plum
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Cat Lover, Dog Lover
Aspiration: Angling Ace, Friend of the Animals
Career: Veterinarian
- Must master the Veterinarian, Pet Training, and Fishing skills.
- Must vacation to Granite Falls at least 10 times.
- Must complete the Fish, Feathers, Fossils, and Insects collections.
This generation grew up traveling to Granite Falls and really enjoyed the great outdoors. They want to catch every living thing they can - from insects to pets. I've never touched the Veterinary career, nor the pet training much so it'll be a fun test drive either way along with some more of the Outdoor Retreat. DLC that's ancient and barely touched in my saves.
Generation Six: Olive
Traits: Freegan, Oblivious, Maker
Aspiration: City Native, Lord/Lady of the Knits
Career: Sales
- Must master the Fabrication and Knitting skills.
- This sim can never have a real job, they must get by on odd jobs, sales from the seller's table, and the Flea Market sales.
- Cannot sell anything through their inventory (unless it's useless or cannot be sold another way, in short the primary means of earning money must be through selling to others).
- Must finish the Frogs collection and keep all the Frogs.
- Can only rent, not buy.
This Sim will be packing up, moving to the city and carving out their own, eccentric life on their own timeline. They won't be working a 9-5 job, but instead will be crafting things here and there and trying to make do with things from the dumpster. Waste not, want not!
Generation Seven: Gold
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Hates Children, Foodie
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Career: Acting
- Must master the Acting and Charisma skills.
- Must have one set of twins and no other children.
- Must complete the Experimental Food Photos collection.
- Must purchase a penthouse.
I usually don't play this type of sim, so this will be an interesting challenge. To be fair, I don't expect to have much fun with it either (as I'm a very hopeless-romantic, family oriented sim myself).
Generation Eight: Red/Blue
Traits: Squeamish, Kleptomaniac, Outgoing ||| Adventurous, Hot-Headed, Neat
Aspiration: Academic ||| Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Diamond Agent ||| Villain
- "Red" child must master the Research and Debate skill.
- "Blue" child must master the Robotics skill.
- Both children must master the Dancing, Singing, Media Production and Bowling skills.
- Must remain BFFs throughout their entire life.
- Must finish the Voidcritters, Snow globes, and City Posters collections.
This is going to be a twin generation - the heirs will be born twins (and I will manipulate this if I have to). Sorry, but I'm not a fan of opposites and good/evil mashups. I could've done black and white here but... well frankly I'd much rather pay homage to the perfect Red vs. Blue.
Generation Nine: Pink
Traits: Geek, Genius, Daydreamer
Aspiration: The Curator,
Career: Astronaut
- Must master the Rocket Science, Fitness, and Handiness skills.
- Must complete the Alien and the Space Prints collections.
- Must marry an Alien.
- Must visit all secret locations in the base game + Sixam.
The Pink generation will pursue all the parts of Aliens and Rocket Science that I did not with my lady Haru Ghibli. This Sim will marry an Alien and have an Alien child who has to face a world of discrimination and Sims going "ew, an Alien" at them. Tragic.
Generation Ten: Rust
Traits: Evil, Mean, Insecure
Aspiration: Public Enemy, Soulmate
Career: Criminal
- Must master any three instruments skills.
- Must complete either the Simmies or MySims collection.
- Must be an Alien or of Alien descent.
This sim has had a rough go at life, but maybe they can redeem themselves? I won't know until I get there, but this Sim gets mad at the unfair judgement against Aliens and takes matters into their own hands.
Generation Eleven: Cyan
Traits: Glutton, Ambitious, Movie Buff.
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Self-Owned Restaurant
- Must own a Restaurant/Bakery and get as many perks as possible (literally have not played this enough to know diddly squat about the perk system so...)
- Must learn every dish in San Myshuno.
- Must have a movie night at least once a week and it has to be a goaled event (a party of some variety).
- Must master the Baking, Cooking, and Gourmet Cooking skills.
- Must complete the
This sim's goal will be to bring people together through food and experiences. They love partying and seeing what food can do for other people. I'm aiming to experience the cupcake machine here, maybe make a bakery/restaurant. I'll have to see when I get there.
Generation Twelve: Brown
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Green Fiend, Technophobe.
Aspiration: Country Caretaker, Eco Innovator
Career: Civil Designer
- Must master Fabrication (for candle making) and Cross Stitching.
- Must have moved to the Cottage Living town and live Off the Grid, Simple Living.
- Must own at least one shed animal and at least 3 chickens.
- Must make as many wildlife friends.
- Must participate in at least 5 County Fair/Festivals.
- Must complete the Village Fair Collections.
Experience Cottage Living to the fullest, as I've only dabbled with it. This Sim will leave the hustle and bustle but keep their roots close. Cooking and baking clearly meant a lot to their parents but they want to do it their own way, and in a way that impacts the environment a lot less. They want to live as self-sustainably as possible - and as far from that technology garbage that pollutes the world.
Generation Thirteen: Lime
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Child of the Islands, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Beach Life, Renaissance Sim
Career: Conservationist, Odd Jobs
- Can take odd jobs that involve beach cleanup or similar.
- Must master the Logic, Mixology, and one other skill of your choice.
- Must move to Sulani and have Island Spirits and Volcanic Activity assigned to the lot.
- Must complete the Seashells, Buried Treasure, and collection.
- Optional: Conservationist is the last career attempted.
- Optional: Marry a Mermaid.
- Optional: May continue the "Eco" lifestyle of your parents.
This sim grew up watching their parents struggle and succeed. They really admired that, except for one thing: Winter. Fuck Winter. Fuck the cold weather. Fuck the vast expanse of nothing but corn. This sim has a calling - and no one knows, how far it goooooes. Ahem. Lime generation is the next Moana.
Generation Fourteen: Violet
Traits: Unflirty, Neat, Stoic
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions
Career: Any/None
- Must master the Logic skill.
- Must become the highest ranking Spellcaster and know all potions.
- Must adopt the next generation when they are an Adult/near an Elder lifestage.
- Can only have 1 child.
- Must complete the Magical Artifacts collection.
- Optional: Create a "Magical" house.
After watching their parents bum around on the beach and take things slow in life... this child quickly realized that wasn't what they wanted. Their parents believed in a "magic" to the islands, but this sim found a magic all on their own... a real one. And they're going to be... the very best... like no one ever was...
Generation Fifteen: Black and White
Traits: Bookworm, Scribe, Agoraphobic
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Self Published
- Must master the Writing skill, and more (see below).
- Must complete 14 books after the 14 generations before them - however...
- You cannot write a book about a topic you know nothing of, so this sim must reach level 5 in the skill of that generation (provided below) before they can even start writing "their" book. For example, they must reach level 5 in Mischief before they can write about Gen 1, Painting for Gen 2, and so on.
- The Sim must learn as much about these skills from within the safety of their own home (however it's flexible for story telling purposes).
- Each of the 14 books must be published, preferably through a publisher, but self-publishing works too.
- Each book must be written in generational order (they cannot write Gen 14's before Gen 1's).
- Must leave the house as LITTLE as possible until all 14 books are finished.
- Must complete the Postcards collection.
- Can have groceries, food, and other deliveries, but no social events allowed.
- As each book is finished, that opens up the color to be used in the house again.
- Once all 14 books are finished, this sim is free to change their Agoraphobic trait to something else and go out into the world to live.
- Optional: Make a shrine for each of the previous generations as each book is made.
Generation's Skills
Generation 1: Mischief
Generation 2: Painting
Generation 3: Fitness (or) Culture
Generation 4: Medium (only need level 2/3)
Generation 5: Veterinarian
Generation 6: Knitting
Generation 7: Acting
Generation 8: Media Production
Generation 9: Rocket Science
Generation 10: Any Instrument Skill (preferably the one chosen by that generation)
Generation 11: Baking
Generation 12: Fabrication (Candle Making)
Generation 13: Mixology
Generation 14: Logic
This is the last generation, and the one who struggles the most. Being adopted makes it hard for them to feel a connection to their ancestors, but they really want to try. Stuck in their house, too afraid to go outside into the world, they try to live vicariously through each of the previous generations in order. However, no writer can really write successfully if they don't know what they're writing about! This sim journeys to experience everything they can... from the safety of their home. And maybe... just maybe... after they've published the 14th book, they'll find the courage to go out into the world just like all their ancestors did. They'll hopefully learn that family is more than just blood.
At this point, the challenge is over. If more stuff comes out and I want to slap it on here, then I might add future generations... but overall this covers the things I've not before.
If you like these rules and want to take them, be my guest, but do keep in mind that I did make them with me in mind and you should do the same. Move the colors out of order, do things in any way you'd like, throw out rules, make new ones. This is a challenge to encourage me to try things I usually don't.
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